Crisfield, Kenneth S

ForenameKenneth Solman
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Date of Death21st January 1944
Place of DeathGermany
CemeteryBerlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
Grave Reference14. G. 12.
OccupationAir Gunner
Service Number1592241
RegimentRoyal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Group 4, 102 (Ceylon)
Marriage Date
Medals Awarded

Handley Page Halifax II ( HX149 DY-J ) took of from Pocklington on a night flight, on Operation Magdeburg – the first major raid on this target. 648 aircraft, 57 losses (8.8%). The Halifax loss rate was especially high at 15.6%.

The German controller tracked the bomber stream across the North Sea and many night-fighters were already in the stream before it reached the German coast (using the newly developed Tame Boar methodology). The controller was slow in identifying Magdeburg as the target but this was of little consequence as the fighters were able to stay in the stream for the duration of the approach. Despite the high loss rate, this was not a successful attack. Stronger tail winds than anticipated placed some of the stream over the target before Zero Hour and dropped their bomb load anyway, making the target marking much less effective. German decoy markers exacerbated the situation. No local report is available but it is thought that most of the bombs fell outside of the city.

Their plane was shot down by a night-fighter whilst leaving the target area at 18500′. This badly damaged the flying controls and set light to the starboard wing.